Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category
Posted on April 20th, 2012 at 6:21 pm under News & Updates

I’ve been thinking a lot about my parents lately. They had me when they were middle-aged, and they’re now in their mid-60s. I know they won’t be around forever, and that thought creeps into my brain more and more often as the months go by. I find myself wanting to preserve whatever stories they had to tell, and even though it seems like I heard them all a million times as a kid, I can hardly remember many of them now.

Mom isn’t very technically-minded, although she has the hang of Solitaire, email, and Facebook (much to my chagrin! LOL). Dad, however, has always been pretty geeky and open to — even excited about — new technologies, so I realized today that I should ask him to start a blog. He wouldn’t necessarily write about current events…I’m more interested in him putting down in his own words the stories of his life, and transcribing those seemingly random vignettes of memory that we all have from time to time when our brain isn’t focused on anything in particular.

I suppose it would be a good habit to get into myself, actually; when my mind wanders, I recall the damnedest things — moments that, for one reason or another, are indelibly pressed into my brain.

For instance, the other day I was walking Lola in the bright sunshine, and I thought about getting sunburned. Then I remembered this time when I was a kid, maybe 8 or 9 years old…

It was a hot Southern summer, and I was out of school. I took this picnic-blanket-thing that was soft on one side and plastic on the other, and I laid it out on the grass in the backyard. It was so bright out that I folded up one corner and laid it over my face as I lay there looking at the clouds. Then, stupid me, I got so relaxed I fell asleep. I couldn’t have been out for that long, since Mom hadn’t come looking for me yet, but it was long enough. I looked like a boiled lobster, and just on one side! In the days after came the blistering and peeling — oh, the joys of being a fair-skinned redhead. That lesson was learned, needless to say!

Of course, as a kid, I was always upset that I didn’t tan like the rest of my friends, so I tried whatever I could. My childhood felt like one failed tanning experiment after another, even including self-tanning lotion. I was probably in high school before I finally gave up and resigned myself to the fact that all I’d ever get were freckles or blisters. Typically, now, I love my skin. 🙂

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Posted on April 16th, 2012 at 8:32 pm under News & Updates

It’s time for a giveaway!! These are hard-won goodies plucked from the sea of frenzied nerds on the show floor of PAX East 2012.

The rules are simple:

  • Submit a comment to this post to enter! (Only one entry per person, please.) Include the word “GIVEAWAY” in all caps somewhere in your comment.
  • Entries will be accepted until 12:00pm (noon) Eastern on Thursday, April 19. Entries submitted after the cutoff won’t count, of course.
  • Two winners will be selected at random, and they will be notified Thursday afternoon/evening via email and here on the blog post.

First up:

One of TWO beta weekend access and mount codes for TERA!

Please note that this beta starts at 12:00pm (noon) Pacific on Friday, April 20 and ends at 11:59pm Pacific on Monday, April 23. If you won’t be able to play in the beta weekend, please step aside and let folks who will actually *use* the code have a better chance at actually *winning* the code. 🙂

Remember, there are TWO codes up for grabs here, and there will be TWO winners. Good luck!!


Updated to add: We were told on the show floor that your beta character will carry over when the game is launched! You won’t lose your progress — or the sweet mount. 😉


WINNERS!! Congrats to Dusty and DragonGem! Your codes should be arriving in your inboxes shortly. 😀

Check back soon when I post more giveaways for in-game goodies and beta access keys!

Posted on April 8th, 2012 at 10:20 pm under News & Updates

Another year, another PAX East come and gone…

We had a pretty good time this year, and didn’t really feel pressured to cram in as many panels as possible like the first year, or to demo all the games we could like last year. 🙂 We got to see friends, old and new, and had some incredible food (Pasta Beach, I’m lookin’ at you).

The swag for day 3 was pretty slim…I went by the Chessex booth — yes, again — and snagged another bag of D20s. I got a Penny Arcade shirt on our way out of the expo hall; it has a D2o on it, “1” side up, with “I feel shame as a minor action.” XD I did manage to snag another Secret World beta weekend code, another tauntaun pet code for SWTOR, and a handful of limited edition artifact codes for Novus Aeterno. I will be giving codes away in the coming days with some sorts of contests or something, so watch my Twitter feed!

I strolled through the tabletop area while looking for Green Armadillo and saw these crazy little wooden semicircles called Skallops. You can get a kit that includes gobs of the little doohickeys and a deck of cards; you connect the cards with the Skallops and let your imagination run free! The inventor (which of course was some guy in his early 20s, hehe) was manning the booth, and he gave a mighty good pitch. They were making hats (one guy even made a neat crown), skyscrapers, and all kinds of crazy stuff. Plus, he was using Square to take payments, and that made the booth even more awesome! Here, take the money! TAKE IT!!

Here’s an album of the pics I took, and here are the pics specifically from our Saturday night tweetup. I’m the world’s worst at remembering names, so if you guys can help me fill in some of the blanks, I’ll be your BFF. 🙂

Posted on April 8th, 2012 at 12:41 am under News & Updates

Got back a few minutes ago from our awesome tweetup. It was great to see everybody again and meet some new folks too!

Here’s today’s loot haul:

  • Another Tera beta key
  • Copy of World of Tanks with codes for 2100 gold, 2000 gold, and a 1-month premium account
  • 4 Jet Set Radio buttons
  • Neverwinter beta key
  • Zelda: Skyward Sword comic
  • Rohto eye drops sample and coupon (Srsly?)
  • Shoot Many Robots loot codes for a freeze ray and a tutu
  • 4 Shoot Many Robots buttons
  • A couple other tiny buttons from random booths

Tomorrow’s the last day, and I think we want to take one more spin around the show floor. I kinda wanted to see the “How to Make Gaming Sites that Don’t Suck” panel, but it’s at 10am and I doubt I’ll be conscious. XD

PS – I’ll upload pics when I can get them off my phone and onto my PC at home. 🙂

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Posted on April 6th, 2012 at 9:48 pm under News & Updates

We had a nice day overall, going to the Future of Online Gaming panel at 6pm and the premier screening of Dragonage: Dawn of the Seeker at 9pm. They were both fun for entirely different reasons. 🙂 We also took a spin around the show floor and I got another bag of D20s for jewelry.

The basic swag bag came with the following goodies:

  • Magic 2013 paper crown thingie
  • D&D: Rise of the Underdark 3-D paper model of Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders
  • Magic: The Gathering “Chandra Nalaar” deck
  • Magicka free game code
  • Kaijudo pin
  • X-Box Live 1-month Gold Membership code
  • D&D Online dice bag
  • Free boxed DVD-ROM copy of Rift
  • Behemoth lanyard (same one as last year, bah)
  • Various advertising materials for companies/games/booths (of course)

Additional swag tally:

  • Tera lion mount & open beta access code
  • The Secret World tag necklace & beta access code (just for the public beta weekend in May)
  • Planetside 2 cling sticker
  • SWTOR mini-pet tauntaun fawn code
  • Three(!) Guild Wars 2 beta access codes
  • Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker t-shirt
  • Planetside 2 t-shirt
  • Defiance t-shirt

I’m looking forward to seeing what Day 2 holds!

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