Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category
Posted on April 15th, 2015 at 4:39 pm under News & Updates

Week 10: Mellow Rose

I’ve been amassing a hoard of components for this challenge since…week 6, maybe? (The pic below is from March 17th, so about a month ago, yeah.) I saw these beautiful glass beads in my stash and knew I HAD to use them in something soon.

No lie!

Here’s what happened. I’m pretty much in luuurve with this piece. I used copper beads and copper/copper-plated findings with glass beads and a blue aventurine donut. I stalled on the design a few days back, but after staring at it for a while, I was able to get back to work and turn it into something amazeballs. I think I’m gonna do a two-fer again and make earrings to match this bad boy for week 11.

Pile of shiny things. Stringing it along! Close view of the focal area.


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Posted on April 8th, 2015 at 10:54 am under News & Updates

Week 9: Bay

Finally got to finish these! I’ve been waiting to use these green aluminum earwires, and Week 9 offered the perfect opportunity.

The beaded beads are flat even-count peyote (curled and stitched to make tubes). The green gemstone is dyed mountain “jade” (I think), which is a dolomite marble from Asia. The round drops are mother of pearl.

These colors make me think of iridescent mermaid scales. 🙂

The raw materials The hard part -- my fingers haven't forgiven me yet. Close up

All done!

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Posted on April 6th, 2015 at 11:13 pm under News & Updates

…No, I didn’t fall in love. I changed my Twitter handle!

After being @g33kg0dd3ss since I joined Twitter in August 2008 (6.5 years ago!!), it’s going to take some time to get used to being @PartPurple. I keep seeing replies and thinking for a second, “Who are they talking to? Oh, right…”

That’s the only con I can think of, really. The pros will far outweigh it:

  • Easier to type — No more keyboard safari!
  • Easier to spell — No more wondering if you l33t-ed the right letter!
  • Easier to remember — Anyone who knows anything about me knows everything I own must be purple!

I think it also sums me up in a nice, general way. I’m not just a geek, a pagan, a gamer, a crafter, a cook, a dog-mom, a smartass, a designer, a coder, or a Barq’s addict.

I’m all of those things — and every one of those things that make me me has a little bit that’s part purple. 😉

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Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 11:56 pm under News & Updates

Week 8: Forever Blue

Tada! Knocked this one out in a couple of hours today. I got these glass focal pieces in a big jumble sale, and it was clearly their time to get put to use.

The raw materials. Stringing it along! A (fuzzy, sorry!) work in progress.

The end result!

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Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 12:21 am under News & Updates

Week 7: Lavendula

Here’s my first phone charm! I’m tempted to keep it. >.>

The raw materials. Assembling! BLING

Digging this...

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