Posts Tagged ‘heirloom’
Posted on February 6th, 2009 at 12:08 am under News & Updates

I just got finished tinkering with my “top three” characters — Ria, Dio, and Kharri — and I’m already loooooving the new Heirloom item tag.

It took me about 15 seconds to warp Ria to Danak Shipyard once I logged in, and she made the rounds of Bathezid’s Watch and Riliss too. All my alts now have shiny RoK faction recipe books waiting patiently for them in my shared bank. 🙂

As of right now, though, these three girls are the only ones high enough in their chosen tradeskill profession to actually scribe them, but I have a full set of crafters who will be ever so grateful for this new item flag once they reach level 70. I’m also going to be making use of this when it comes time for them all to do their Proof of the Pudding tradeskill epic.

You can’t see it, but I’m doing the Snoopy dance right now.

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