Posts Tagged ‘ribbitribbitt’
Posted on May 22nd, 2012 at 7:48 am under News & Updates

Back in March, I was thrilled to have a chance to help other members of the EverQuest 2 community build playgrounds and decorate a huge guild hall for Ribbitribbitt, a terminally ill 6-year-old boy. It was an incredible thing to see and be a part of, and it was wonderful of his parents to allow us to share in and brighten his life for even a few minutes.

I learned this morning that Ribbit passed away Sunday night. I’m heartbroken, and I can’t imagine how his parents are feeling. Please join me in sending love and prayers to his family. Ribbit, I hope you have that island in the sky for real now!

Click on the image to view the screenshots I took of Ribbit’s decorating extravaganza on Guk back on March 10.

Ribbitribbitt's Mannequin

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